Commission-free delivery.On-demand.

Reach new customers with DoorDash Drive’s on‑demand delivery drivers.

Boost your profits
Avoid marketplace commission fees with our DoorDash Drive integration.
You set the price
Split the cost of delivery with your customers, or pass on the full amount.
You’re in full control
Enable delivery when you need it, and turn it off when you don’t.
Risk-free delivery
DoorDash Drive handles overhead and liability so you don’t have to.
Reach more customers
Reach more customers by offering delivery up to 10km away.
Real-time tracking
Provide your customers with real-time delivery tracking.

Increase sales, not menu prices.

You no longer have to inflate menu prices to compensate for expensive commission fees. Keep your customers happy with consistent and transparent pricing.

for the first 3km
per additional km
commission fees
Prices inclusive of GST.
How it works
Order received

When you accept a delivery order, a DoorDash job is created so that a driver can be assigned and scheduled for dispatch.

Order picked up

The DoorDash driver picks up the order and heads to the delivery address, while your customer tracks the delivery in real-time.

Order delivered

The DoorDash driver delivers the order on behalf of your store.

Tap into the world's largest on-demand delivery network.

Whether you're using in-house drivers or DoorDash Drive to deliver your orders, the customer experience looks and feels the same — an extension of your own service.

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